Things About Other Things

Where I let it all out.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who Gives A Shit?

People gotta calm down. And stay out of each other's lives. What gives you the right to judge anyone? I do it all the time and I ask myself the question, and I constantly search for an answer. Ok, so he smokes. Big deal! So she drinks. Are you the drinking police? That was rhetorical. Sure we can bash people and tell ourselves, "god they are so stupid", but really we have no right to tell them what to do. I don't give a shit, they're still my friends. And I still love them. I'm at a point where those things don't really matter anymore. Because I know its none of my business and unless they have a serious problem, its their decision and their decision. So my message is stop. Just stop. Stop judging me, stop judging the person next to you. And most of all, stop judging people who you don't even know.

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